Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Norway or Bust! 2010

We are packing, cleaning, posting and getting ready to fly out tomorrow for our trip of a lifetime!  Our bags are packed and we're ready to go....

Mom Berry
Holly Smith
Tamilyn Berry

3 at Norway....all alone in the big world!  Norway....Here we come!

Please come and check us out as we progress on our journey!

Norway or Bust party!

Everyone has to have their own money belt!

Our bags are packed, we're ready to go!
well, except for Tami....she'll get there though....:)


telisha said...

Oh my gosh! Good luck! I want to see lots of fun pics!

Unknown said...

Have a fun trip!! Love you all!! Chan

Nesha Smith said...

Have a fun trip and we can't wait to see lots and lots of pictures!! Love you guys!! Derek, Nesh and Ellie bug!

cherylee said...

hey tami, i miss you. you were the greatest neighbor. Can't wait to hear about your trip. I am so jealous. enjoy every second.